Keynote Speaking
Our speaking events center audience engagement, meaningful takeaways and memorable experiences. Groups from campuses to corporations, schools and nonprofit organizations have booked Lori to engage their audiences in transformational leadership, communication, violence prevention and healthy relationship work. Contact Lori to discover how hosting a keynote talk or interactive seminar for your group will (literally) get your audience moving!
View Lori’s TEDxGreenville talk Gifts Inside Darkness
sample previous presentations:
The Intersection of Race & Sexuality: A Panel Discussion, Ivy Tech College, March 2022
Restorative Journey: Using Creative Expression, Music and Movement to Reset the Nervous System in a COVID-Altered World, Solving the Campus Sexual Assault and Dating Violence Puzzle 8th Annual Conference, December 2021
Real Talk on Sex & Wellbeing: Truth-Telling, Exploration & Dialogue Featuring the Art of Spoken Word, Ivy Tech College, September 2021
Integrating Sexuality with Racial Justice in K-12 Education, Trauma-Informed Educators Network Conference, July 2021
Cinco de Mayo: More than a Party — Consent and Healthy Sexuality, Ivy Tech Community College, May 2021
Rising Above Teen Dating Violence, AMIkids, Long Branch Baptist Church, Melting Pot Music Society, Upstate Circle of Friends, 2021
A New Landscape: Deconstructing Toxic Dynamics and Building Healthy Selves, Relationships and Sexuality, Title IX training at Anderson University, August 2020
Empowered Sexuality: Conversations We’ve Never Had, but Need to, Urban League Upstate Network of Young Professionals, April 2019
Building Comfort Talking with Teens about Sexuality, Pendleton Place for Children and Families Staff Training, January 2019
Consent is Sexy, Clemson University Student Athletics, June & September 2017; January, June & August 2018
Beyond Margaritas & Merengue: Cinco de Mayo Workshop on Alcohol, Consent and Sexual Health, Ivy Tech Community College, May 2018
Gender Agency in Work and Life, LeadHER Greenville Women's Leadership Symposium, April 2018
Gifts Inside Darkness, TEDx Greenville, April 2017
Get on Your Dance Floor, Upstate Women's Leadership Conference, March 2017
Healthy Relationships from the Inside Out, Clemson University Women's Leadership Conference, February 2017
Intimate Partner Violence: How Victims Leave, Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne, September 2016
You Matter: Creating Healthy Relationships from the Inside Out, Homestead High School, May 2016
Healthy Relationships and Sexuality, Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne, April 2016
The Blossoming Soul Workshop, Purdue University, Pi Beta Phi, April and October, 2015
Whole Self and Personal Well-being: The Foundation of Healthy Relationships, Cintas Corporation, October 2015
We Are All One Billion Rising - Preventing the One in Three, University of Saint Francis, February 2013 and September 2015
Reconnect and Find Your Groove, Creative Women of the World, August and October, 2015
Creating the Love that Frees Us: The Rose Model for Healthy Relationships, The Fortess, Kampala, Uganda, February 2015
Preventing Violence and Abuse: Recognizing Early Warning Signs, Indiana Tech, February 2014
Journey from Victim, to Survivor, to Thriver, YWCA of Northeast Indiana, October 2014
Step onto the Dance Floor of Life: The Rose Model for Healthy Relationships, Allen County Public Library, September 2014
Building Healthy Relationships and Intimacy, Gateway Woods School, August 2013 and March 2014
The Transformative Power of Connection, TEDx Fort Wayne, May 2012
Sample themes for your group or organization:
Heal, Empower, Ignite: Creating a personalized roadmap for building healthy relationships from the inside out
Preventing the 1 in 3: Recognizing earliest warning signs of abuse and learning to build healthy relationships from within
Shaping Change: Navigating the intersections of personal, interpersonal, and systemic health to embody authentic self, understand building power-with systems, and become an accomplice for positive change
Psychological Safety at Work: Building human-centered leadership and communication from a trauma-conscious perspective
Radical Honesty as a Path to Liberation: How to have the hard conversations that lead to more meaningful lives and work
Talking about Sex Can Change the World: Uproot violence and create healthier cultures by understanding sexual learning
Intersection of Sexuality and Racial Justice in Education: Furthering equity education through a lens examining history, identity, and relational health
Value of Voice: Using spoken word art to journey from language, to ideas, to action
Healthy Sexuality Rocks: Defining and reclaiming responsibility, mutuality, and joy in connection with self and others
Lori creates customized, inclusive talks for corporations, campuses, and social service organizations. If you're interested in booking her to speak with your group, fill out the form to schedule a call with Lori and see if her engaging, interactive style is the right fit for your needs.