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We can't wait to connect with you! 


Greenville, SC

We’re a social impact company building a new paradigm of healthy human connection on campuses, at workplaces, and in lives. Through education, speaking, coaching, and movement, we help teens and adults break free from suppression, unlock joy and fulfillment in their lives, bodies, and relationships, and create positive change in the world.

The Rose Model

Most people weren’t taught to address the harm that got stored in their body without their permission. limiting their ability to connect healthfully with themselves, others, and their dreams. The Rose Model gives teens and adults a personalized roadmap to reclaim liberation in their bodies and whole selves, so they can build fulfilling connections and take action toward what they care about most.

Nature-inspired and named for seven matriarchal ancestors in Lori’s family history who survived and persevered against many odds, the Rose Model serves as a metaphor for rooting, unfolding, and connecting with safe and supportive others in your ecosystem.

The Rose Model Process:

 You deserve to feel safe and valued as your authentic self. Learn and receive support to step through what’s held you back, flex resilience, take charge of happiness, and not "wait for the right person" — you ARE that worthy, incredible person. Personal and systemic healing go hand in hand, and your journey has collective ripple effects.

Empower. Find your inner power and voice, and deepen your understanding of safety, honesty, respect, and freedom in relationships in order to build trust and intimacy. Practice communication and the building blocks of healthy relationships for you, thereby growing your own web of supportive connections.

Ignite. Release the most of who you are, whether this means leaning into your dreams, helping to repair the world, weathering life’s changes, or dancing in its magic.

Our relationships, starting with the one we have with ourselves, are top predictors of happiness and life fulfillment. Traumatic experiences — anything that overwhelms what our body/mind system is designed to handle, fracturing the human needs of safety, dignity, or belonging — can occur interpersonally, at a community level, or systemically, and cause a fragmented sense of self. If we are steeped in self-doubt, walking on eggshells, or unable to share the truth of who we are, we can become suppressed in our very being.

It doesn't have to stay this way. Together we can create a new paradigm of healthy connection, and spaces and cultures that honor human thriving.

Contact us for a free consultation to see if Rose Model training or coaching is the right fit for your campus or organization. 


  • Dignity — We believe in each individual’s inherent worth and therefore in asserting boundaries, treating all with regard, and assisting each other in accountability to make repairs.

  • Agency — To embody dignity, we seek to dismantle oppression and share tools and support to recover inner wisdom and self-trust and make decisions aligned with one’s values and wellbeing.

  • Equity — We believe in equity as an active verb, just as love is a verb. We act in service of justice, to remove barriers to equitable outcomes, and to further safety, dignity and belonging for marginalized groups in our communities.

  • Authenticity — We say, do, and connect with what’s real. We believe in truth-telling, awkwardness, making mistakes, and falling down seven times and getting back up eight.

  • Community Support — “Dancing” in the Rose Model emphasizes mutual giving and receiving to deepen connection. We lean in, act for social justice, and support people to get their needs met.

  • Playfulness — We celebrate that we are here and alive! We honor laughter, the ways that playfulness helps us frame or reframe everyday situations, and the value of play in connecting us across cultures and interactions.