Client Stories
The Power of Liberation in Connection
“Today I found the confidence to act on the dreams that I’ve been setting aside. Because of Lori’s session, I now know I’m going to pursue my own passion, working with people in domestic violence situations.” ~Ariana, LeadHER Women’s Leadership Symposium Participant
Thank you to our growing community!
We’re grateful to our clients and partners working with us to build healthier and safer lives, campuses, workplaces, and communities, one healthy connection at a time.
College students:
"I can’t imagine what life would be like if I hadn’t started talking with Lori in high school. Instead of getting caught up in the social and sexual pressures of campus life, I’ve been able to grow my confidence and pursue my dreams. The Rose Model helped me navigate friend, family and romantic relationships, and I felt accomplished each time I moved up a ‘level’ in a healthy way. While working with Lori, I’ve made trusted friends, taken better care of myself and gone after my passions — I recently even obtained a prestigious scholarship to show for it!" ~Emily, University Student
Educators and Counselors:
“Once again, Lori’s presentation was right on, timely, and hit the spot. I was really impressed with how she deftly fielded a question from a male resident by explaining both agency and intimacy in relatable terms. Her answer completed diffused what could have been a volatile topic! I want to make sure all the residents hear this talk at least once before they graduate the program." ~Kirby Reutter, Licensed Psychologist, Gateway Woods Family Services
Young Professionals:
"What Lori called out of me has been life changing. Hearing her story and what she went through to develop the Rose Model was very powerful. Her decision to rise from where she was and blossom into her truest and most complete self by accepting and nurturing and, if it comes to it, guarding who she is, is a powerful example of wholehearted living that I want for myself. Having to place people and relationships on the model was also very enlightening and gave me a starting place in how to heal and enrich those relationships in my life, even my understanding of myself." ~Lauren, Educator
Seasoned Professionals:
“Each time working with Lori I’ve learned valuable information that helped me look at my life and relationships with a new perspective. The Rose Model is like my own personal toolkit that I can carry with me, helping tweak my way of thinking, which enhances how I feel about myself and others.
I only wish that The Rose Model had been around when I was a teenager because I truly believe I could have saved myself many years of turmoil had I had this information to guide and nurture me through those very difficult and self-defining years." ~Rene Bodine, Bott Radio Network
Dance Professionals:
“The Rose Model framework and the use of dance as a metaphor stuck with me the most as take-away tools from the seminar. I learned something about dance and relationships in one fell swoop. So often, people taking dance classes learn to ‘control’ when they are leading. Lori outlined true leadership in terms of ‘power with’ instead of ‘power over,’ and guided us to embody how we can create this for the health of our relationships as well as on the dance floor. This was powerful. Overall I enjoyed it and look forward to learning more.” ~Malik Baxter, Salsa Instructor/DJ
Rose Community members share their stories of how The Rose Model benefitted their groups and individual goals:
Rene, a longtime student, shares how The Rose Model work helped to transform her life.
Four high school teachers share their first impression of The Rose Model and its impact on their students.