Workshops for Dads
Dads of Daughters: beyond birds & bees to the sUpport she needs
tuesdays, June 11 & 18, 2024, 7:00-9:00 pm EST, online
Photo: Of Breath & Bone
Photo: Phinehas Adams
a 2-part series to increase your comfort in talking about sexuality, learn how to spot warning signs of harm in your child’s life and what to do if you see them, and build skills for effective mentoring in healthy relationships, communication, and sexual health
Because she needs more than protection and “no means no”
Raising children can be daunting. And rightfully so, as tragically, 1 in 3 girls, 1 in 5 boys, and 1 in 2 gender-expansive youth are experiencing sexual or dating violence under age 18 — endangering their mental health, ability to form healthy relationships, and capacity to be themselves and achieve their life goals.
Yes, you read that right. And this includes youth from all backgrounds, those who don’t use any substances, and those from all types of families, including “good families.” I know because I was one of them.
For Caring Dads
I’m Lori Rose, founder of the Rose Model for Healthy Relationships, and in this 2-part series, I’ve combined my experience as a sexual violence survivor with over a decade of professional work in violence prevention, sexuality and relationship education, and coaching to guide dads in growing knowledge, self-reflection, and skills to be their children’s best allies for life.
Simply put, I’ve compiled everything I wish my Dad could have learned (may his memory be for a blessing <3) to prevent daughters like me from suffering in silence, experiencing re-victimization, and grappling with long-term health struggles, and be able to support them throughout life to reach their dreams.
In this 2-part series, you’ll learn to:
Identify the earliest warning signs of harm in your daughter’s life.
Grow knowledge and comfort in discussing anatomy, gender, development, and sexuality through a biopsychosocial lens.
Increase your Emotional IQ to model healthy relating and grow trust.
Teach your children how to build healthier connections.
Navigate hard conversations to build openness, deepen relationships, and set the stage for your kids to return to you with questions.
Create mentoring moments in sexuality-related conversations to align with the kind of parent you want to be.
Improve your self-understanding and confidence around sexual learning.
**Please note: We value gender inclusivity. This program is open to anyone who resonates at all with the terms used.
While hidden harm can happen to anyone’s children, it doesn’t have to be this way.
With dialogue and education around topics not often discussed, capacity to identify the earliest warning signs, and skills to build the other side — relationships that honor the beautiful uniqueness of who we are — we can do so much better for our daughters, our relationships, our communities, and ourselves.
What men are saying about Rose Model programs:
“The most powerful training I’ve ever attended, personal or professional. I could immediately use what I learned to improve and deepen relationships in every aspect of my life.”
- Legend Huffman, engineer, Michelin
“Honesty. Reality. Impactful. I needed to hear this.”
- Jorge Riano, founder & president, GreenBy3
Join us for this authentic, interactive training to strengthen your skills and connect with other like-minded dads on the journey of building and supporting our next generation.
Discounts are available for bringing a buddy, and sliding scale options are available for economic need.
You’ll receive:
Two (2) sessions of two (2) hours each with live instruction in a nonjudgmental, affirming group setting
Guided self-reflection to process how your own sexual learning impacts parenting
Coaching on how to have hard conversations
A digital workbook as a reference kit and reminder of tools you gain
A video library of additional resources
Course website with all resources archived for your long-term use
Workshop #1: your foundation for teaching about healthy sexuality
Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 7:00-9:00pm EST
Photo: Robert Eklund
Build your foundation to maintain closeness and grow trust, and learn fundamental tools to protect and empower your daughters.
We’ll focus on the undercurrents of change on three levels —
Personal — Bodies, body shame, and sense of self; examining sexual learning and how it impacts your parenting (what sex ed didn’t teach).
Interpersonal — Confronting unhealthy messages, identifying early warning signs, and developing language around celebrating her body and full agency.
Systemic — Unconscious bias, gender norms and youth development; overcoming the taboo of daughters and sexuality to grow in your role as her trusted supporter.
Workshop #2: navigate hard conversations and be her greatest ally
Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 7:00 - 9:00pm EST
Photo: Juliane Liebermann
Cross the valley from knowledge to practice in a no-judgment, no-risk space with fellow dads and an expert communications coach.
Increase your Emotional IQ to improve your own wellbeing and strength as a partner, professional, and community member.
Learn a self-check process and a roadmap to plan hard conversations and overcome barriers to communication.
You’ll leave with the ability to create mentoring moments and practical tools to navigate the beautiful mess of human relationships and sexuality — leading you to increased closeness and bonding throughout life.
If you have questions or to inquire about sliding scale options for economic need, please email me (Lori) directly.
I’m honored to collaborate with you as part of the village raising the next generation and excited to welcome you into this learning space for caring dads.
Photo: Edward Howell